Wednesday, July 4, 2012

Bemis Woods: July 4, 2012

We decided that for our 3-mile walk on a very hot Independence Day, we would find a forest preserve that would hopefully have a nice shady trail. Bemis Woods is off of 294 and Ogden, near Brookfield Zoo.

The south path is rather shady- once you get to a road (Salt Creek Rd I think), you have an option to go back West and North or to continue East towards Brookfield. We decided to go to the West/North and it was not as shady. Even with sunscreen I got a little pink.

A very beautiful path overall, and very well paved. I don't know if it was because it was the 4th, but the trail was very busy- both bicycles and roller blades. They were friendly, but I felt that our two strollers were a bit in the way.

The scenery is much the same as many forest preserves. Lots of trees, very peaceful. The trail does pass by Salt Creek, with a bridge over it that gives you some nice views.

Terrain is pretty flat, which was nice in the very hot weather. Very nice walk overall.

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