Thursday, October 4, 2012

York Woods Revisited: October 3, 2012

Our walks have grown less frequent and less exciting with the change in weather. As the sun is setting sooner, we normally walk near our house or use the stationary bike inside. But with the leaves turning we will try to revisit some locations to show how beautiful they look in other seasons.

My husband and I normally carpool as our workplaces are in the same town and it saves gas, which is ever important in this economy. When we drive separately for various reasons, I have been trying to stop by York Woods in order to get a quick walk in before going to pick up the boys.

Yesterday as I was walking along, admiring the color of the trees, I came across a deer on the path! Since York woods is quite small (you can usually see a road through the trees on any part of the path) the normal wildlife is squirrels and birds. So I had to take some pictures so I could share them with you. I also took some pictures of the beautiful colors along the path.

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